• Where do I download the book and materials?

    The Art of PostgreSQL book is available in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats. The download is available through the courses system here at Thinkific. Start the Course to get to a “lesson” which includes all your downloads! Go to your dashboard now and start the courses you have been enrolled in to download your book and other material.

  • I just bought the book and all I see is the Free Sample... what's next?

    Sorry, that looks like a bug in the registration system. I've been trying to fix it but it looks like one of those very resistant ones... Send me an email at [email protected] and I will sort it out for you, enrolling you in the proper courses. Please use the same email as when you did buy the book, or mention the buyer's email in your message to me!

  • How can I upgrade to the Dead Tree edition and get a paperback now?

    It is still possible to add the paperback once you are done with the checkout process. For this, again, send me an email. This process is not automised (yet?).

  • Why are you delivering “The Art of PostgreSQL” as a course and lesson here on Thinkific?

    Thanks for asking, it's a good question! If at first it does not look obvious that Thinkific is a good platform for delivering a book, I think their feature set makes a lot of sense with the different projects I have in mind around “The Art of PostgreSQL”. Stay tuned!